Withdrawing funds from your Magic Compass account to your bank account or e-wallet is fast and safe. You can also transfer funds instantly within your different Magic Compass trading accounts. Do not hesitate to contact our support team with any questions you may have.
* Withdrawals by Credit Cards are processed within 24 Working hours upon receipt of your withdrawal request. However, the funds are credited into your bank account within 2-5 business days.
* Please note that it is company policy that fund withdrawals are paid back to the source of the original deposit.
* Assuming a minimum amount to be withdrawn will be set to EUR50 then by charging 3.5% you cover the fixed fee of EUR 0.25/USD0.26/GBP0.22 and recover some of the charges already suffered on deposit.
** Your withdrawal request shall be processed in the same day if you have provided us with all relevant documentation and any other information/documentation that we might request. All back-office transfers will be processed during standard business hours, 08:00 - 18:00 (GMT+2) (GMT+3 during Daylight Saving Time).
** If you have any questions related to the debit/credit card transactions, please contact us via